2.5: uix.HButtonBox
Arrange buttons horizontally in a single row
= uix.HButtonBox(
- is a type of HBox specialised for
arranging a row of buttons, check-boxes or similar graphical
elements. All buttons are given equal size and by default are
centered in the drawing area. The justification can be changed as
= uix.HButtonBox(
- also sets one or more property values.
uix.HButtonBox properties
Property | Value | Description |
BackgroundColor | colorspec | Color to use for exposed areas of the layout background. This can be an RGB triple (e.g. [0 0 1]) or a colour name (e.g. 'b'). |
BeingDeleted | on | off | Deletion status. |
ButtonSize | [w h] | The size for the buttons (all are given equal size). |
Contents | empty GraphicsPlaceholder array | array of graphics objects | Children within this layout, regardless of HandleVisibility. Note that this can only be set to permutations of itself. |
DeleteFcn | function_handle | Function to call when the layout is being deleted. |
HorizontalAlignment | left | center | right | The horizontal position of the buttons. |
Padding | positive integer | Number of pixels of extra space around the outside of the layout. |
Parent | empty GraphicsPlaceholder array | figure | container | Parent of the layout. |
Position | [x y w h] | Position (x,y) and size (w,h) within figure or container. |
Spacing | positive integer | Number of pixels of extra space to leave between elements in the layout. |
Tag | string | Tag to associate with layout. |
Type | string | Type of graphics object. |
Units | inches | centimeters | normalized | points | pixels | characters | Position units. |
VerticalAlignment | top | middle | bottom | The vertical position of the buttons. |
Visible | on | off | Visibility. |
For example:
f = figure
b = uix.HButtonBox
( 'Parent'
, f );
( 'Parent'
, b, 'String'
, 'One' );
( 'Parent'
, b, 'String'
, 'Two' );
( 'Parent'
, b, 'String'
, 'Three' );
( b, 'ButtonSize'
, [130 35], 'Spacing'
, 5 );
See also:uix.VButtonBox
- for creating a vertical arrangement of buttonsuix.HBox
- for creating a general horizontal arrangement
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